
This book may not be from a renowned painter or a distinguished poet. Our dear author doesn’t claim to be one. But surely this is a work of heart more than just a work of art. For in these paintings and poems one can feel the rhythm of a heart that beats with passion and compassion, with that zest for life in all its lights and shadows and with that faith, hope and love for both the human and the divine and the divine in the human.

Her paintings are intuitive. Her poetry, contemplative.

Our author doesn’t claim to be one, but these pages show that she is indeed… a painter and a poet both gifted and giving, inspired and inspiring. This is her gratitude to The Almighty. This is her offering to humanity. Through her paintings and poems, as God’s daughter and partner, she invites us to embark on a journey… page by page, day by day… of going through life with all our senses… thus, making our precious lives gain more and more sense.

Fr. Ramon Borja


Everything has a transcendent meaning.  Everything… Your environment, your history, your time today reading this book. You, your life and all your actions.

That is the most extraordinary reminder of this unique collection of Esther’s pieces and poems: everything in your life has meaning, and even if it takes you a while to discover it, it is always wonderful; it is just a matter of contemplating it.

Hence, each of its pieces requires a state of presence to receive each of the messages it protects.  The same presence that is required to thank life and celebrate it in a single moment, or in a single reading.

That’s why you can read this book today, reread it tomorrow, and receive different messages. It’s not so much about the words or colours that were used, but rather the awareness and level of presence of the person who reads and admires them.

Esther has the power to call us to that presence… In travelling the world, visiting and touring the most remote corners of the planet, I have had the opportunity to meet and contact leaders from the most diverse cultures and styles… Rulers, business people, entrepreneurs, scientists, academics and artists, and with her a very particular connection emerged… She was completely present, attentive, awake, enjoying the details and seeing the signs…

I think I know what it’s about… She, her life and her work are not only based on knowledge or the development of the mind, on the care of the body or on the cultivation of the heart… Esther and her business and artistic development have a deep spiritual root, and that is part of the treasure of this book.

I hope you read it out loud… I hope you multiply it… I wish that on each page you breathe, be grateful and listen to yourself. It will not be Esther speaking to you… It will be a much more powerful voice, which you will recognize throbbing within you, reminding you of the beautiful “life sense”.

Argenis Angulo

Junior Chamber International World President 2022

A Celebration of Life

It is my wish and prayer that this book will serve as a companion for individuals on their own personal odyssey—a source of solace, inspiration, and guidance as they navigate the intricacies of their own sensory encounters and the myriad emotions that accompany them.

Glory to God

“Life Senses” seeks to honour and glorify God for the sublime blessing of life. It is a testimony to the awe-inspiring wonder that permeates our existence, acknowledging the divine presence in every sensory encounter and the perpetual dance of life and spirit. Through this exploration, I hope and wish to inspire a sense of gratitude and reverence for the divine grace that imbues our lives, regardless of our individual creed, convictions or culture.

“LIFE SENSES” is a celebration of the divine gift of life, expressed through a captivating ensemble of 54 poems and intuitive paintings. Each piece is a testament to our sensory tapestry that permeates our existence, a testament to the awe-inspiring wonder of the human experience.

In the serenade of these poems, we shall embark on a journey of introspection and revelation, delving into the intricate emotions, profound connections, and serene moments that define the contours of our lives. Through the evocative brushstrokes of intuitive paintings, we may find ourselves immersed in a visual symphony that mirrors the essence of the human spirit and the vibrant hues of our sensory encounters.

To see with the heart, To feel with the soul

For I dream of painting and writing, where color and emotion converge, and through my work, I endeavour to unveil a brighter, more vibrant world. It is a journey embarked upon with unwavering hope and illuminated by the intercession of God’s grace that leads to the radiant power of my dreams. ~ Esthery ~

Dear friend,

As I embarked on the journey of crafting “Life Senses”, I found myself drawn to the profound connections between the depths of human experience and the immense gift of life itself.

This endeavour became a process of love intertwined with my personal reflections, aspirations, and an earnest desire to connect with the hearts of readers, you!

At its core, “Life Senses” is a tribute to the myriad ways in which our lives are enriched by the sensory tapestry that surrounds us. It is a testament to the joy of seeing the vibrant hues of nature, listening to the melodic rhythms of life, feeling the warmth of a loved one’s embrace, savouring the flavours that delight our palates, and inhaling the fragrant whispers of the world. Through these sensory encounters, we are reminded of the sheer beauty and wonder that infuses every moment of our existence.

In the fabric of my personal experiences, I have been humbled by the realities of life both fleeting and profound and the extraordinary resilience of the human spirit. In moments of joy both earthy and deep, I have marvelled at the intricacies of the world, recognizing that every sensory encounter is a divine invitation to embrace the gift of being alive. However, I have also navigated through seasons of profound loss and uncertainty, a journey that has deepened my appreciation for the fragility and preciousness of life.

Through “Life Senses”, I aspire to kindle a flame of recognition within you, inviting you to celebrate the remarkable gift of life and the array of sensory experiences that accompany it.

It is my wish and prayer that this book will serve as a companion for individuals on their own personal odyssey—a source of solace, inspiration, and guidance as they navigate the intricacies of their own sensory encounters and the myriad emotions that accompany them.

“Life Senses” seeks to honour and glorify God for the sublime blessing of life. It is a testimony to the awe-inspiring wonder that permeates our existence, acknowledging the divine presence in every sensory encounter and the perpetual dance of life and spirit. Through this exploration, I hope and wish to inspire a sense of gratitude and reverence for the divine grace that imbues our lives, regardless of our individual creed, convictions or culture.

In essence, “Life Senses” is an embodiment of my reverence for life’s kaleidoscope of experiences and an offering of gratitude for the myriad sensory encounters that shape our understanding of the world and our valuable place within it.

May it serve as a gentle whisper to the hearts of readers, inviting them to revel in the gift of life and find solace in the gentle embrace of their senses, while acknowledging the divine presence that threads through every moment of our being.

Above all, may “Life Senses” stand as a testament to the profound beauty of existence and the transformative power that arises from immersing ourselves fully in the sensory tapestry of life.

With God’s Grace, may we — Be the Love for the World!

Your friend,
Turin, Italy
13th November 2023

Esther Law Lee Poh

Intuitive Painter, Author, Woman Entrepreneur

Esther Law Lee Poh

Intuitive Painter/Author/Woman Entrepreneur

30th December 2015, that is where I begin my art of survival. Words can hardly described my feeling, it was truly an amazement process to discover this wonderful blessing from God. A gift of LIFE from our almighty.

I did not expect that I could create all these beautiful painting. All my drawings were drawn under a very serene, calm, joyful state of mind.

It did not require much thoughts, all those strokes, stricks, shapes were formed through my intuition. It just came naturally to my mind, and my mind leads my hand in laying down all thoughts that came through my intuition.

So many things about being alive are painful or difficult or scary. Or simply don’t turn out the way we want them too. And when we are confronted with those kinds of challenges our first impulse is to try to change or fix or resist them.

Intuitive painting teaches us that there is a holy wisdom in allowing ourselves to be led and guided by by whatever shows up on the page in front of us. To let go of the need for certainty and guarantees and open fully to the unknown.

To trust in things like your personal rhythm and divine timing. That going towards and surrendering to what we normally try to avoid and control will allow us to become even more fully alive.

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Life Sense by Esthery

To see with the heart, To feel with the soul

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