Life Senses Book Launch at Sheraton Kuching, Sarawak

Life Senses book launch at Sheraton Kuching introduced the third book by Esther Law Lee Poh, an intuitive painter, author, and a woman entrepreneur (founder and chairlady of YAST Group). The event was held on 11th December, 2023, in Kuching, Sarawak.

Life Senses Book Launch at Sheraton Kuching, Sarawak

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Life Senses Book Launch at Sheraton Kuching, Sarawak
Argenis Angulo, ambassador or Life Senses

Speech by Argenis Angulos, Life Senses Global Ambassador

Dear Chairlady, businesswoman, painter, author and Sister, Esther Law Lee Poh,

Dear Guest of Honor; Minister for Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts; and Ministry for Youth, Sports, and Entrepreneur Development; Government authorities; representants of all the productive sectors of Kuching and Malaysia; mass media leaders; leaders all, ladies and gentlemen…

Only last year I travel more that three hundred days, to more than fifty countries of Asia and the Pacific, Africa and the Middle East, Europe, and my America… Leading the foremost global network of young leaders around the world, known as JCI, or Junior Chamber International as it was mentioned.

During each single visit, to more than two hundred cities, I had the wonderful opportunity to know and meet great leaders from different sectors of very diverse societies; from the government, at local, regional or national levels; from industries, commerce, business organizations and associations; from universities and diverse academic institutions and research centers; from different religions, cultures and politics perspectives; innovative leaders, changemakers, and influencers, and international authorities, I can tell you, any of them touch my mind as Madame Esther Law did it.

But why? What is the difference? What impacted my in such a way that ensure that I return to Malaysia and to Kuching more than to any other of the hundreds of destinations I visited during my global journey?

I think she can explain it, better than me… I’m going to turn to the 7th Poem of Life Senses: Worldly Connection

In this complex world,
We’re all connected, in some way,
From the bonds of family and friendship,
To the strangers we meet each day.

We’re all part of a greater whole,
A human family, that’s diverse,
And we share this planet together,
With its beauty and its curse.

We connect through our experiences,
Through the joys and pains we share,
Through the laughter and the tears,
That we all have, in our affair.

We build bridges of understanding,
Through communication and respect,
By embracing our differences,
And learning from each other, direct.

For the world is richer, when we connect,
When we see the beauty in diversity,
When we recognize our interdependence,
And live with love and generosity.

Let us cherish our worldly connection,
And work to strengthen it each day,
As we journey through this life together,
Hand in hand, come what may.

Esther Law invited me to a global journey that is just starting, hand in hand… And yes, I invited her to work as a team for a global cause that for me, is a life sense: the mission to train new generations to defend their human rights, and first of all, assume their (our), human duties.

What is happening this magic night here is not different, through her words and her art she is assuming the duty to preserve life, serve humanity, sustain for the future, pursue prosperity, respect human personality, educate herself and teach others and lead responsibly.

She understands very well that something as borders or separation does not exist. That we all, with all our differences are united and that, if such a declaration is true, I this world of conflicts that highlight the differences, there are life senses that unite us all as part of the same team.

Dear Esther, thank you so much for assuming the duty to lead responsible inspiring us, and inspiring others, to be better each single day. I know you know it; it is possible because your clear testimony of spiritual intelligence… That competence that we are promoting and that nowadays are impacting the understanding of leadership in universities and corporations.

I really hope that this power that you have, with the impact of your words and the transcendence your colors, that impacted me since the first day we meet each other, continue revealing the beauty of life senses for the entire humanity.

Thank you very much. Congratulations. Selamat Hari Lahir.

Speech by Guest of Honor, YB Dato Sri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah

Minister For Tourism, Creative Industry And Performing Arts
Minister For Youth, Sports And Entrepreneur Development

A blessed evening to all of you!

It is a privilege for me to be invited and gathered here today to celebrate the launch of a remarkable creation by a Sarawakian, our Anak Sarawak Esther Law Lee Poh. Her collection of 54 intuitive paintings and 54 poems is a true testament to the power of artistic expression and the transformative nature of literature. Through this remarkable fusion of art and poetry, Esther has gifted the world with a profound narrative that speaks to the depths of our souls and resonates with the very essence of life’s senses.

At the heart of this momentous occasion lies the extraordinary honor of having the World President of Junior Chamber International, Mr. Argenis Angulo, as the ambassador of “Life Senses.” This signifies not only a monumental achievement for Esther Law Lee Poh, but also a profound validation of the universal appeal and emotional resonance of her work. Mr. Angulo’s endorsement, as a leader who has connected with 5000 communities worldwide, elevates “Life Senses” to a global platform, transcending cultural boundaries and embracing the hearts of individuals across the globe.

As we gather today, we are witnessing the birth of a intuitive creation that will traverse linguistic barriers, as “Life Senses” is soon to be translated into Chinese, Bahasa Melayu and Bahasa Indonesia. This initiative will allow Esther’s captivating art and poetry to reach a wider audience, providing a gateway for individuals from diverse backgrounds to immerse themselves in the profound expressions of life captured within the pages of this exquisite book.

Ministry of Tourism, Creative Industry, and Performing Arts and Minister for Youth, Sports & Entrepreneur Development Sarawak takes great pride in celebrating a talented woman who is an Entrepreneur, Leader, Author, Painter, more importantly, our Anak Sarawak, Esther Law Lee Poh

My Ministries are striving to providing a conducive environment where creativity, artistry, and entrepreneurial spirit can thrive. Esther’s journey is an inspiring testament to the boundless potential that lies within the realm of creative industries. It is a privilege to witness the unfolding of Esther Law Lee Poh’s artistic journey. Our sincere hope that her accomplishments will serve as a shining example, igniting the passion and inspiring the entrepreneurial ventures of our young generation.

In the words of Victor Hugo, “Arts and literature have no limits.” This profound philosophical approach encapsulates the infinite potential of creativity, and the enduring legacy it leaves upon our collective consciousness. Through our unwavering support for art, literature, and entrepreneurship, we strive to cultivate an environment where our young talents can flourish, innovate, and redefine the boundaries of creative expression. “Life Senses” stands as a testament to the intrinsic value of creative expression, inspiring us to cultivate an environment where artistry and entrepreneurial spirit can thrive, empowering generations to embrace their unique creative callings.

As we embark on this significant milestone, let us embrace the spirit of creativity, the boundless realm of the arts, and the limitless potential for entrepreneurial success. Let us nurture a generation of aspiring artists and entrepreneurs, who will captivate the world with their ingenuity.

In the timeless words of Plato, “The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.” Through “Life Senses,” Esther Law Lee Poh has achieved just that, encapsulating the profound significance of life and the human experience within her art and poetry. Today, we celebrate the boundless potential of artistic expression and the enduring legacy it leaves upon our collective consciousness.

May the launch of “Life Senses” inspire and propel us towards a future filled with limitless creativity and entrepreneurial vigour.

It is with great pleasure that I officially declare the launch of “Life Senses” by Esther Law Lee Poh, a mesmerizing fusion of art and literature that will captivate hearts and minds around the world.

Life Senses Book Launch at Sheraton Kuching, Sarawak
Life Senses Book Launch at Sheraton Kuching, Sarawak

Life Senses Book Launch Media Coverage

Special thanks to media friends for their support and coverage on the Life Senses book launch event in Sheraton Kuching, Sarawak on 11th December 2023.

Life Senses Book Content Preview

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