Mindful Seeing, The Transformative Power

Mindful seeing invites us to truly perceive the world around us with clarity, presence, and gratitude, guiding us to appreciate the rich visual tapestry of life. 

In today’s digital age, where images bombard us from every screen and device, the art of mindful seeing offers an invaluable respite from the overwhelming influx of visual stimuli.

By intentionally engaging with the world around us, we reclaim our agency over our visual experiences and immerse ourselves in moments of quiet contemplation and appreciation.

Through the lens of mindful seeing, we can find solace in the uncomplicated beauty of a natural landscape, derive inspiration from the creative expressions of others, and savour the moments of visual delight that punctuate our daily lives.

To look at everything always as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time: Thus is your time on earth filled with glory.

Betty Smith, who born Elisabeth Lillian Wehner (1896 –1972), an American playwright and novelist, who wrote the 1943 bestseller ‘A Tree Grows in Brooklyn’.

Mindful Seeing

In a world filled with distractions and constant stimuli, the simple act of seeing has evolved into something much more profound — a practice that transcends mere observation and delves into the realm of mindfulness.

Mindful seeing invites us to truly perceive the world around us with clarity, presence, and gratitude, guiding us to appreciate the rich visual tapestry of life. This practice not only enhances our sensory experiences but also deepens our connection to the world and opens our eyes to the beauty and wonder that surrounds us.

Through this practice, we unveil the rich visual tapestry of life, and in doing so, we cultivate a deeper and more fulfilling relationship with the world around us.

Through the lens of mindful seeing, we can find solace in the uncomplicated beauty of a natural landscape, derive inspiration from the creative expressions of others, and savour the moments of visual delight that punctuate our daily lives.

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Image from the New Sarawak Tribune publication:

Mindful Seeing, The Transformative Power

This article is part of the Weekly Column in the New Sarawak Tribune, authored by Madam Esther Law Lee Poh, founder and chairlady of YAST Group.

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