Nature’s Melodies on Mount Singai

AMID the majestic beauty in and around the Catholic Memorial Pilgrimage Centre (CMPC) on Mount Singai, a journey to conquer the heights of nature unfolds with a symphony of gentle grace. Bird songs harmoniously weave through the air, accompanied by the soothing whispers of rustling leaves, creating a resplendent refuge for the weary soul.

While traversing the trails and ascending to the mountaintop’s pinnacle, actively listening to nature’s symphony reveals its transformative power, guiding us towards inner calm, mindfulness, and a profound connection with the grand tapestry of life.

As we ascend to the pinnacle of the CMPC, the symphony of nature unfolds as a testament to its boundless creativity and resilience, inspiring us to cherish the sanctity of the outdoors and celebrate the enigmatic beauty that enlivens the world around us. 

The climb becomes a celebration of the intricate interplay between the melodies of bird songs and rustling leaves, inviting us to foster a sense of wonder and reverence for the timeless wisdom carried within the natural world.

Silence is not the absence of something but the presence of everything

Gordon Hempton

Gordon Hempton’s quote, “Silence is not the absence of something but the presence of everything”, encapsulates the profound idea that true silence is not characterised by the absence of sound, but rather by the presence of a myriad of subtle and intricate natural sounds. 

It challenges us to perceive silence as a space filled with the richness of existence, inviting us to attune our senses to the delicate symphony of nature.

In embracing this perspective, we come to understand that within the apparent quietude of nature, there exists a profound presence —an orchestration of gentle breezes, rustling leaves, birdsongs, and the myriad harmonies of life. This expanded understanding of silence extends beyond the physical realm of sound, inviting us to experience it as an opportunity for deep connection and presence.

Part of the plank walk leading to the CMPC amid the lush forest

Embracing the transformative power of active listening to nature during the climb, we embark on a journey that unveils timeless tranquillity and resplendent beauty awaiting on the mountain. By immersing ourselves in the natural world, we gain a deeper appreciation for the surrounding beauty and reconnect with the rhythm of the earth.

To read the full article, check out the link below:

Image from the New Sarawak Tribune publication:

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