Argenis Angulo

Everything has a transcendent meaning.  Everything… Your environment, your history, your time today reading this book. You, your life and all your actions.

That is the most extraordinary reminder of this unique collection of Esther’s pieces and poems: everything in your life has meaning, and even if it takes you a while to discover it, it is always wonderful; it is just a matter of contemplating it.

Hence, each of its pieces requires a state of presence to receive each of the messages it protects.  The same presence that is required to thank life and celebrate it in a single moment, or in a single reading.

That’s why you can read this book today, reread it tomorrow, and receive different messages. It’s not so much about the words or colours that were used, but rather the awareness and level of presence of the person who reads and admires them.

Esther has the power to call us to that presence… In travelling the world, visiting and touring the most remote corners of the planet, I have had the opportunity to meet and contact leaders from the most diverse cultures and styles… Rulers, business people, entrepreneurs, scientists, academics and artists, and with her a very particular connection emerged… She was completely present, attentive, awake, enjoying the details and seeing the signs…

I think I know what it’s about… She, her life and her work are not only based on knowledge or the development of the mind, on the care of the body or on the cultivation of the heart… Esther and her business and artistic development have a deep spiritual root, and that is part of the treasure of this book.

I hope you read it out loud… I hope you multiply it… I wish that on each page you breathe, be grateful and listen to yourself. It will not be Esther speaking to you… It will be a much more powerful voice, which you will recognize throbbing within you, reminding you of the beautiful “life sense”.