Esther Law Lee Poh

Intuitive Painter/Author/Woman Entrepreneur

30th December 2015, that is where I begin my art of survival. Words can hardly described my feeling, it was truly an amazement process to discover this wonderful blessing from God. A gift of LIFE from our almighty.

I did not expect that I could create all these beautiful painting. All my drawings were drawn under a very serene, calm, joyful state of mind.

It did not require much thoughts, all those strokes, stricks, shapes were formed through my intuition. It just came naturally to my mind, and my mind leads my hand in laying down all thoughts that came through my intuition.

So many things about being alive are painful or difficult or scary. Or simply don’t turn out the way we want them too. And when we are confronted with those kinds of challenges our first impulse is to try to change or fix or resist them.

Intuitive painting teaches us that there is a holy wisdom in allowing ourselves to be led and guided by by whatever shows up on the page in front of us. To let go of the need for certainty and guarantees and open fully to the unknown.

To trust in things like your personal rhythm and divine timing. That going towards and surrendering to what we normally try to avoid and control will allow us to become even more fully alive.