Fr. Ramon Borja

This book may not be from a renowned painter or a distinguished poet. Our dear author doesn’t claim to be one. But surely this is a work of heart more than just a work of art. For in these paintings and poems one can feel the rhythm of a heart that beats with passion and compassion, with that zest for life in all its lights and shadows and with that faith, hope and love for both the human and the divine and the divine in the human.

Her paintings are intuitive. Her poetry, contemplative.

Our author doesn’t claim to be one, but these pages show that she is indeed… a painter and a poet both gifted and giving, inspired and inspiring. This is her gratitude to The Almighty. This is her offering to humanity. Through her paintings and poems, as God’s daughter and partner, she invites us to embark on a journey… page by page, day by day… of going through life with all our senses… thus, making our precious lives gain more and more sense.

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